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Friday, April 03, 2009

sweet memories....

Oh my goodness...Time is just flying by and it's making me sad. I can't get over Cash being five months old....that's almost HALF of a YEAR! crazy...I sometimes wish I could freeze time for a while, although I love looking forward to all the milestones and fun new things the boys are doing, I can't help but get a bit saddened how it's just going so stinking fast. effort to remember some sweet little stories, I'll tell a few of my favorite things of the moment... :) I will love having this blog to look back on years from now!

As bedtime nears...Mason now that he's sleeping in his big boy bed, likes to have a few songs sung to him before he goes to's how it goes...

Mommy/Daddy..."the wheels on the bus"...
Mommy/Daddy, "Jesus loves the little children...all the children of the world..."
Mommy/Daddy..."the wheels on the bus go round and..."
Mommy/Daddy..."Jesus loves the little children...all the children of the world..."

hahah...he loves both of those songs and can never decide which one he wants to hear so about one line into each one he asks for the other one, it's so cute! He's talking so much some of my favorite things he's been saying...

"oh Hi there Mommy"
"what you doing bubba, swimming?" (to kristen's fish we're 'fish-sitting') :)
"oh it's okay broder" (to baby Cash)
"come-on Momma! come-on Dadda!"
I LOVE when he says "thank you momma or thank you dadda" without being prompted, that melts my heart! It's so amazing hearing him talk so much and phrase sentences together. we're also nearing the lovely age of we're dealing with some stubborness to say the least as well..but we'll leave that for another blog :) this one is remembering all the sweet things!
Here's one of Mase in his big boy bed...

So...Cash...our little ham! Some of the things he does that I LOVE right now...
If you laugh at him, he just starts laughing right back. You giggle, he giggles, you giggle, he's so sweet.

Cash has the best little spirit. He is always adoring and smiling at his big brother, he LOVES Mason. He tends to look at everyone out of the top of his eyes, so it looks like he's flirting with everyone or giving them goo-goo eyes or something, but it's SO adorable.

I can't believe in one more month he can start eating baby food...he's doing great getting his cereal in the meantime! he's one big baby....and he's truly a sweet sweet little boy. He gets me through some of the days that are harder with Mason...because in between time-outs and spankings, Cash is there with big smiles and goo-goo eyes for his mommy! God gives us moments everyday to treasure with both of these boys and I don't want to ever ever take them for granted. I pray that the routine of life doesn't get in the way of enjoying these sweet memories.

We've got some cute new ones of Daddy and the boys, just don't have them uploaded yet, so we'll save those for the next blog! Love you, All!

1 comment:

Newells said...

Oh Jess! They are just adorable. It's fun having two interact but I totally understand how hard the day is until they do something that just melts your heart...and it's like ok...they're two...but the sweetness is still there admist them trying to find their boundaries. Can't wait until May!!