Blog Archive

Sunday, May 03, 2009

six months, really????

my goodness...I have been getting worse and worse at finding time to post on here, and for that I apologize...if anyone even reads this, HAHA! I want to keep this up so that Brent and I have it to print off later in life and to always have to look back on, all the things that were going on, etc. Well...I don't really know even where to start. It seems as if there's been so much going on lately. We recently got the opportunity to go to the Catalyst West conference in CA with Palm Valley....the boys stayed with Grams and Pops for four nights, and LOVED every second of that! It was so sweet to hear Mason asking for them a couple days after leaving their house! They sure love their Grams and Pops. We were so grateful we got the chance to go on this trip, so a BIG thanks for keeping the kiddos for us. The conference was amazing, I felt challenged in so many different areas of my life. The series we're doing at church right now is really stretching me in many ways as well..."live like you were dying". I feel like my heart is bursting with ways I want to grow closer to Christ and things I want to strive to do better in my life with God's help. I am just so thankful for the individuals who've obeyed God's calling and are teaching the word of God to so many! I pray all the things God is prompting and tugging at my heart with, I will obey...causing change in grow in Him...and closer to those around me as well.

So....without writing a complete novel...I'll continue on and speak about our little Cashers. Who is now a big SIX months old. We can't hardly believe that. HALF of a year has gone by since our sweet baby was brought into our lives! Some things Cash is doing now that we're really enjoying...
*sitting up un-assisted! :)
*laughing and giggling LOTS, especially at Mase
*responding to books...loves reading!
*gives little flirty eyes to any girl who looks his way
*gives big open mouth kisses
*eating cereal like a champ and gets to start some fruits and veggies already!
*sleeping 10-11 hours...we're working on 12. Mase was around 12-13 at this point, we're getting there with Cash! :)
*is just so sweet-sprited and so smiley nearly all of the time!

Cash just has the biggest heart. He's so sweet, and just literally melts our hearts on a daily basis. He's weighing in at a large 20 pounds...putting him in the 90% for weight, 90% for height, and 97% for head size. :) biggie boy! we're so proud of him. Here are some recent pictures...Sorry it's taken me SO long to post...Hopefully I won't regret staying up this late in the morning because it's now midnight...Goodnight!
Here's one of Mase and Cash reading a book together...

Daddy and Cash at his 6 mo. appointment...

having fun, before shots of course :)

happy boy...

1 comment:

Newells said...

he looks like mini-Mase!!