Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

yahhh! So to take a trip down memory lane...back in 2011 not long after our precious baby girl was born into our family we ventured off to Colorado for a week just for fun! We stayed in a little cabin there...with no particular plans. We spent our days swimming at an indoor pool, playing putt-putt, taking family naps, having all of our meals with the exception of a couple in our little cabin, building snowmen, and just enjoying lots of being together! It went down as one of our most special vacations are some pictures from our first trip as a family of FIVE! :)
We were so excited to wake up to snow one morning & had so much fun playing in it! :)
playing by a cute little river...cute boys those are! (and one cute big boy too :))
little rock people we made...
Our cabin had the HUGEST tub...the boys named it the 'party tub'. We often all swam in it in our suits! haha!
Marli is so little!!! She did lots of trying to stay warm this trip.
Brent reading the boys a little treasure hunt we had made them...if you can't tell they were SO excited. :)
snuggly sweet girl!
putt-putt time!
so pretty...we loved Colorado!
Fishing with Daddy!! We didn't catch any of our own but a nice gentleman gave us several that he had caught so the kids helped daddy turn them into a yummy dinner for us. :)

1 comment:

The Orona Family said...

I love this! What a fun trip and what sweet memories. That's it! We're packing our kids in the car and going away. ;-)