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Monday, September 10, 2012

Baby #4!!!!

WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! ;) we're half way through our pregnancy at this point in the game but...we'll trace back to when we found out. hmmm...let's see...It was around May that I discovered I was a week or so late (from having my second cycle in about 5 I've been pregnant so much these last 5 years!) But I can specifically remember at Mason's 5th party, telling family and friends that I was maybe thinking I didn't want to be pregnant again. I've always wanted 4 kids, and Brent always pictured having 2 (although he'd obviously never trade sweet Marli for anything in the world!!) we were at three, it was good compromise ;) and my pregnancies are so difficult, etc. etc. While I was telling my sisters this I started getting emotional and was a little taken back by my what seemed to be exaggerated a few days later I decided to take a pregnancy test. well...SURPRISE! :) God had another miracle in store for us!

So I told the boys before I told Brent...and when he got home from work that day, Mase and Cash said..."Daddy! There's a baby growing in mommy's tummy!" ;) To be fully honest, it was an adjustment period for a few days for all of us. As I previously mentioned before I have always wanted four, but when the reality of being pregnant again hit me, I started freaking out. FOUR kids??  FOUR kids? All of which will be 5 and under for quite some time. All of these thoughts flooded both of our heads for a little while. But the majority of those thoughts have ceased and we are all very very excited to welcome a new baby into our family. Mason keeps saying, "I can't wait to be a family of 6!!!" and Cash always says, "Mommy, I'm going to help him learn how to walk, play ball, talk, eat, etc!" (it is another BOY by the way too...and that is super exciting!) Seeing Brent, Mase, and Cash react with SUCH excitement when we found out the baby was another boy was so cute. They were thrilled...I was excited too, apparently as when the ultrasound technician told us, I squealed. :) So Marli will officially never have a date, but she'll have many brothers that will love and protect her very much. :) 

So we are very excited...we're about 21 weeks along, a little over half-way there, and will be due around January 17th with our sweet baby boy!!! (who we've yet to name...) I'm really trying to soak up this pregnancy as it will be my last one. It's such an amazing experience to have a life growing inside of you...and it's something I don't want to take for granted no matter how uncomfortable I may become. So I'm praying I can really enjoy this last hoorah & we're looking forward to becoming a family of SIX! Thanking Jesus for the many many blessings in our lives!!!!


Elizabeth, Adam, Connor and Cooper said...

I completely understand you when you say Marli will never have a date! I have often said the same will ne true for bany Caitlyn! And I completely relate with you being a little anxious about the thought of habing 4 kids! Adam and I never imagined God would bless us with four!! I sooo wish we lived closer so we could watch all of our kids play :) Love you girl!!

Elizabeth, Adam, Connor and Cooper said...

You can tell by my typos I had a 2 yr old crawling all over me while trying to type this!!! Haha!!!